5 Tips to Preserve Your Funkos and Action Figures in Mint Condition
Are you one of those people who has their Funko and Action Figures at every corner of your bookshelf, or beside your favorite speaker? Wherever they are placed you probably want them to look new forever. We understand that the struggle to keep your Funko and Action Figures in mint condition is real.
So here is a guide on how to make it happen without investing too much money into it.
● Keep Them in Original Box
Keeping the figures in their original packaging is one of the best ways to preserve them. However, if you are not a fan of original packing, you can choose to keep them in appealing special-case protector boxes. These boxes are available in several colors, patterns, and sizes so you can choose one that you find attractive. Using these boxes can help you preserve your Funko and Action Figures forever.
● Prevent Them From Direct Sunlight
Do you like taking care of your plants? Your Funko and Action Figures require the same amount of attention and care. Just like too much sunlight can harm some plants, your Funko and Action Figures can lose their color when they are kept in direct sunlight.
So if the shelf you placed them in is near a window, consider moving it somewhere else. It’s best to keep the figures in a cool and dry place for the best protection.
● Keeping Them Clean
Dusting is vital to keeping your house clean. If your action figures have dust on them, they may start looking old and shabby. So, if you want to keep them in mint condition, make sure you do not skip the dusting routine.
It’s best to wipe the dust off your Funko figures with a dry cloth at least thrice a week. The more frequently you dust them, the lesser the chances of dust accumulating on them.
● Avoid Placing Them in Basements
There is a solid reason why you shouldn’t place your Funko and Action Figures in the basement or attic. These spots have more direct exposure to weather changes, moisture, and dust than other spots in the house. Additionally, these places are usually very vulnerable to mold, mildew, and termite infestations. So leaving your prized figures there is a very bad idea.
● Have a Separate Shelf
Having a separate shelf for your figurines will make the whole cleaning process easier. You will also be able to keep better track of them this way. You can even use your creativity here and make the whole shelf look attractive and unique.
Adding small notes on when or how you bought or earned each of them could be a nice touch.
If you are looking for good quality, flawless, and easy to clean Funko and Action Figures visit http://bountycollectibles.ca now!